

You dream of building a calm and happy home.


Where you feel close and connected to your husband and kids, and everyone (yes even you) feels safe, secure and heard.


So where do you start?


You devour chinuch and marriage books, in the search for advice and practical solutions. You “work on yourself”, and really try to stay calm, even in challenging situations.

You hold it together, (mostly), but it gets tiring being “The Nice Guy” and biting your tongue whenever others step out of line.

You start to feel distant, irritated and frustrated by the people who you care about the most!


“But what else can I do?”


How else can you create the safe and loving environment you envision? (Without being a doormat.) 

What if there was a way to:

  • Be more gentle towards those around you (and with yourself)

  • Respond from a calm, compassionate place (without being a pushover).

  • Let go of the pressure to be perfect and the need for others to be perfect too

  • See people for who they really are, (even when they’re driving you crazy)

  • Understand why certain people and situations trigger you

  • Hear what the person in front of you is really saying

  • Quiet the inner critic and even make it your friend


Rena Reiser’s Compassion Workshop.
Unlock the Healing Power of Compassion.

Learn the lost art of deep compassionate listening so you can resolve internal and external conflicts – and become the powerful, yet peaceful leader you want to be.

In this 5-week, phone/zoom experiential workshop, you’ll learn to:

  • Regulate your emotions when you’re triggered by your husband/kids

  • Practice self-compassion while taking care of everyone else

  • Reconnect to your own needs and values

  • Deepen your relationships through compassionate listening

  • Motivate change through kindness not criticism

  • Support yourself when you feel inadequate or “fail”

Hi, I’m Rena Reiser, Mind-Body & Compassion Coach and host of the “Tune In” Podcast.

I coach highly successful women — from expert stay-at-home Moms, Rebetzins of communities, business owners and high ranking professionals in their fields – and help them create the change they want to see in their lives.

My clients tell me that they feel “safe, empowered and heard,” in my hands, and because of that – they can manifest change.

It’s not cheer-leading or willpower that pushes them –  but the healing power of deep compassionate listening.

But the truth is, each one of us can use compassion and self-compassion to shift negativity and create changes in our lives, in our relationships and towards ourselves.

And that’s exactly what I’ll be teaching you in The Compassion Workshop.

Leah M.

“Before taking the compassion workshop I had a very hard time wondering how I could be more compassionate without being swept away by the pain of another. It would consume me. After taking the compassion workshop I learned just how healing and valuable it is to greet another with more compassion and empathy. I also learned that it wouldn’t overwhelm me and I had the tools to be with the pain of a loved one and even my own unexpressed pain. I recommend the compassion workshop because Rena is simply a gifted facilitator and teacher. Wise, human, deeply compassionate herself, I am fortunate indeed to have taken this workshop. It was a highlight of my year. Thank you Rena.”

Hadassah L.

“Rena Reiser is a gifted facilitator. I was so impressed with her! The deep, experiential compassion workshop she organized allowed the participants to emerge truly changed for the better. She is wise, patient, and responsive, and her dedication to helping others grow with the tools she has acquired is inspiring.”

How does the compassion workshop work?

The compassion is an introspective, interactive, online 5-week workshop.

Using guided imagery, meditation, and journaling exercises you’ll get insights, and access wisdom you may not have realized before.

Our group discussions will focus on the process of what you’ve written, not on the specific content, so your confidentiality and privacy are always #1.

This program includes:

  • 5 live interactive classes

  • 2 months of access to recordings

  • BONUS: 5 Guided Imagery Recordings (on a phone line) to practice in between sessions.

Workshop Time: Live weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 1:30pm NY time / 8:30pm Israel time for 90 minutes.

Start Date: (Tentatively) September 2021

Program Length: 5 weeks

Format: We’ll be using “Zoom,” so you can join on your computer or a phone line.



(This is the tentative structure of the program.)

Week 1:

  • Get Grounded: What is grounding and “centering”? Learn how to get into the “here and now,” calm your mind and connect to your breath. Experience what it really means to be mindful, so you can start your compassion journey.
  • Open-up to your Feelings: Where do you feel stuck? What feelings are you avoiding in your life? What’s at the root of that resistance? How is it holding you back? Learn to use compassion to open yourself up to your feelings and release that resistance so you can heal.
  • Understanding “Backdraft”: What happens when we apply compassion? Understand why strong emotions come up when you use compassion, and how to flow with them.
  • Say the Right Thing (To yourself and others): How can you tune into what you really need, and what the people around you need too? Learn how to offer the right compassionate words, and phrases that really hit the spot, and experience the healing power of the RIGHT words at the RIGHT time.

Week 2:

  • Self-care The Compassionate Way: We all know we “should” practice self-care, but do we really come from a place of love and care? Using guided exercises, learn how to nurture yourself in different areas in your life, from a mindful compassionate place.
  • What’s Really Important to YOU? We all have goals, so why aren’t we achieving them? Learn how to identify your “core values” so your goals are aligned with who you really are. Explore the obstacles (fear, inner critic etc) that are getting in the way of living your values, and use self-compassion to overcome/dissolve them and move forward.
  • Awaken Your Compassionate Heart: What happens when you experience true compassion for yourself and others. Using inner child work and guided imagery exercises, learn how to open up your heart, and experience how compassion changes the way you relate to yourself and those around you.

Week 3:

  • Silver linings: We tell ourselves “every cloud has a silver lining”, but it doesn’t always feel like that at the moment. What happens when you look back on an experience (even years later) and find the silver-lining? Learn to train yourself and exercise your brain to find those silver-linings, so challenges are easier to handle.
  • I Want to Listen – but HOW?: We want to listen to the people we love, but HOW? How can we stop ourselves jumping in with advice and opinions, and actually be present and compassionate for someone else? Notice how challenging it really is, and learn how to use your mind-body connection to deeply listen and be there for someone else.
  • Challenging Relationships, Anger and Unmet Needs: Certain relationships can be really painful. Learn to meet the pain with compassion – and see what might shift. Understand what’s really behind anger, and learn to explore your own anger, and listen to other peoples anger with mindfulness and self-compassion. Learn 3 practical steps, to access the layers of sensitive emotions and unmet needs that are beneath anger – so you can respond with compassion.

Week 4:

  • Healing Shame: What’s the difference between guilt and shame? What is “adaptive shame” and “maladaptive shame?” How can we re-word the way we speak to ourselves, to dissolve the shame. Learn a simple 3-step process: Soothing. Softening. Allowing, to shift the shame and guilt in any embarrassing situation.
  • Let Forgiveness Show Up: We’re so quick to say we forgive, But is it genuine? It’s not about forcing forgiveness. Discover how when you use compassion and mindfulness, the forgiveness naturally shows up.
  • No Time for ME: When you’re in an active caregiving role – Moms to little kids, caretakers of elderly parents, teachers, nurses – you know you need a break, but you literally can’t give yourself what you need. What are the symptoms of care-giver’s fatigue? How can you use self-compassion, even when you’re on the job? How can you develop compassion for others, even when they are draining you? Learn practical exercises to use compassion to re-energize and relax.

Week 5:

  • Gratitude for small things: Why is gratitude so healing? What small “insignificant” things do we overlook? What happens when we focus on what we’re grateful for and count our blessings?
  • What’s good about ME? Follow guided exercises to recognize your positive qualities. What do you really like about yourself – but don’t always notice? What comes up when you do that? Who helped you develop this quality? What happens when you notice this?
  • What I’m taking with me: Review and reflect on what this experience has done for you. What will you be taking with you?


I Have Some Questions:

Do I have to be on the calls live?

There’s something very special about the power of a group doing work together at the same time, though if you cannot make the calls live they will be recorded and available to you for 2 months. When you listen to the recording, create a quiet space for yourself to listen and do the work as if we were together on the call.

How much time will this take each week?

Each call is 90 minutes, and there will be a weekly guided imagery for you to listen to in your own time, which will be 15-30 minutes long. My recommendation is to listen to the guided imagery daily. However, we have a rule here in Rena Reiser Land that we “non-perfectionistically commit” to things, so if you can’t manage to listen to it daily, that’s also okay! There will also be a short exercise for your to practice throughout the week.

I'm new to guided imagery / meditation / journaling. Will I know what to do?

I know these tools are new to many of us and may seem a little strange at the beginning. I’ll give you clear instructions on how to use these tools, and as you experience them, they’ll begin to feel more natural, and you may even wonder how you managed without them!

How much of this is lectures, and how much of this is workshops?

Most of our program will be workshop based. I will explain the theory, the insights, and the wisdom behind the exercises. This, in my experience, is a tremendous way to learn and change.

What if I'm not satisfied with the course?

I get it, this work isn’t for everybody. If for whatever reason you aren’t satisfied with the program, you can email me within the first 2 weeks of the program for a full refund.

Can I listen to a sample class before committing? Can I speak to you before I purchase?

Absolutely! You can listen to a sample class by dialing (US number) 641-715-3900, access code 533054#.

Feel free to call/whatsapp me at (US) 347-871-1848, or at (Israel) 054-840-8549. If I don’t answer please leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Devora G.

“Before taking the compassion workshop I was struggling with being compassionate with my daughter.
After taking the compassion workshop I realized that the issue was how much she was like me and I was not compassionate to myself or anyone who reminded me of myself.
I recommend the compassion workshop because Rena has a way of helping you dig deep to get to the source of your feelings and behaviors, while replacing judgment with curiosity and angst with understanding.”

Penina P.

“Dear Rena, Your course on self compassion has been so very helpful in dealing with increasing my compassion for myself and others. You introduced so many helpful concepts to illustrate this point, and I was able to utilize them in real life situations, and that made a big difference in my peace of mind. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to deal more effectively with negative thoughts while increasing their serenity.”